Sunday, May 10, 2009

Use Multiple Domain Hosting And Reduce Your Hosting Costs

If you are the owner of several websites then multiple domain hosting could help you significantly reduce your hosting costs. 
Multiple domain hosting allows you to host more than one website on a single hosting account.Allowing you to have many websites while only paying for one.

Generally you don't purchase a website you purchase a hosting account. In some cases this hosting account can only be used to host a single domain and hence a single website. In others the account can be used to host multiple domains and hence multiple websites.

There are of course both advantages and disadvantages of hosting several domains on a single hosting account.

The main advantage is, of course, the cost. Because domains are much cheaper than website hosting accounts choosing an account that offer multiple domain hosting is a far cheaper way of hosting multiple websites than purchasing a hosting account for each website.

As an example: Take a hosting provider that offers a simple hosting package for approx £70 per year and uk domains for approx £2.00 per year.To host four websites using:

a) Separate accounts the cost is: £70 *4 + 4*2= £288 per year

b) A single account and multiple domains the cost is: £70 + £2.0 *4=£78 per year.

The saving is £210 per year.

The disadvantages are that traffic for each site is usually counted together against the single hosting account and if your websites are popular then you may exceed bandwidth and or disk space limits.

In addition you may find that the log files that are provided don't allow you to differentiate between the domains as all the traffic is counted against a single domain.

The Hosting account has a single password and hence once logged in you can administer each domain. Therefore each domain should belong to you.

So who needs multiple domain hosting? Well anyone who requires multiple websites with their own distinct domain name should consider this type of hosting account.

If you only intend to host a single domain or website then you shouldn't discard the idea; as in many cases they are usually no more expensive than single domain hosting solutions.

Because of the popularity of mini websites and website reselling there are many hosting companies that specialize in providing multiple domain hosting and offer substantial discounts depending on the number of domains you intend to host.

Multiple domain hosting has the potential to significantly reduce your hosting costs, but as is the case for choosing any hosting provider, you should be aware of what other website services you require and choose your hosting provider accordingly.

Don't just go for the cheapest or the one that provides the most services!

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