Sunday, May 10, 2009

All About Green Web Hosting

We all want to do our part to help the environment. Businesses of all kinds and sizes can play a really active role in reducing waste and energy consumption. How? Recycling, purchasing supplies made from recycled materials, telecommuting options, using alternative energy sources and, of course, choosing green web hosting services.

What are green web hosting services? There are a few varieties, but for this discussion we will focus on the groups that use eco-friendly sources for electrical power. Servers are delicate creatures and require everything from stable and cooled environments to massive amounts of electricity. This all adds up to a lot of energy consumption and the green web hosting services work to ensure that they reduce or totally eliminate their reliance on anything but renewable resources. 
For example, if a provider is unable to supply their own electrical service through wind, solar, biogas or geothermal equipment they can opt to buy Renewable Energy Certificates. This means that the power they are using is supplied from a company that uses only natural and renewable methods of generating electricity for public consumption. 
Of course there are those green web hosting companies that actually create all of their own electricity. These groups will also employ solar panels, wind turbines and other mass energy production techniques to keep their equipment performing at optimal, reliable and impact free levels. 
In addition to having no impact on the planet, many of these web hosting companies also make carbon offsetting a possibility as well. This allows other companies who want to mitigate their own greenhouse gas emissions to purchase offsets and thereby underwrite emission reducing projects like the green web host's wind farm or solar equipment. 
The green web hosting providers might also extend special discounts to non-profit agencies and organizations or to companies who offer telecommuting to their staff or employees. They also may provide totally free software; use offices powered entirely by renewable energies and may be completely paperless. 
Do they cost more? That is something that requires a little thought to answer. While they may not save loads of money, and run at the same price as many other competitors, it is crucial to remember how a single paperless company can reduce energy and materials wasted by the hundreds of tons. Imagine the positive and beneficial global effects of hundreds of companies participating in the green initiative simply by signing up with a green web hosting service!

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