Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cheap Web Hosting With Godaddy

Often times those seeking to create their own webpage with a unique domain name encounter a little difficulty when identifying a web hosting provider suitable for them. Many providers charge a hefty price for domain names and the services they provide, which are frequently inadequate. However there are numerous web hosting service providers who offer a great variety of benefits at affordable rates. One such provider that presents superior cheap rates is GoDaddy. Simply visiting just once will enable you to view the many services and advantages of hosting with GoDaddy and also browse through an abundance of available packages and domain names.

Being one of the world's largest and most popular hosts, one would expect GoDaddy to present quite an extensive array of services and options as is the case. With every single package offered by GoDaddy you get the promise of continuous monitoring, maintenance and security that has essentially made GoDaddy such a reputable and sought after provider. The world-class data center allows this provider to constantly watch over your webpage and the constant presence of a top-notch firewall serves to make your website extraordinarily secure. Along with the benefit of cheap rates and the aforementioned advantages of hosting with GoDaddy, users can also receive custom support, thus you can truly receive a remarkably accommodating service with GoDaddy.

There are a fair number of providers offering very quick setup free of charge but none like GoDaddy. Their free rapid account setup is virtually unmatched. Browsing the website one will also notice the ease with which one can find a suitable package for them and also contact GoDaddy if necessary. Finding information about building your website and web hosting in general is also quite easy on the GoDaddy webpage. What's more sections of the website actually explain how to go about performing specific tasks that you may need to carry out when building your site.

GoDaddy Money Making Opportunities

How can you make money online from You can make money from the GoDaddy company with a few methods including:

- Domain parking and domain sales transactions

- GoDaddy reseller and super reseller accounts and affiliate marketing

- Creating your own websites through to sell your own product or service or do affiliate marketing

- Selling information about GoDaddy including coupons or vouchers and then selling other related services to the same people.

Because GoDaddy is such a big company, they’re practically a household name. There are many ways to capitalize on this company to earn money yourself. You can make direct money by using them in several ways. Let us explore some of GoDaddy’s online money making programs with a closer look:


You can do domain selling through as well as domain parking. Domain selling enables you to sell your domains and or websites. Some profitable niches might fetch a great profit. This is commonly known as website flipping or domain auctions and GoDaddy has a marketplace for this.

Domains parking lets you earn commission from websites that are parked. This can be achieved two ways.

First, the domain name is something people will stumble upon often because it’s a common word or closely related to another website. The parked website has advertisements placed on it and you earn a commission based on that.

Second, you do the parking because you are working on your website. While you wait to create the site you do domain parking so you can earn in the meantime.

Reseller Accounts and Affiliate Programs

Another way of making money online is to sell hosting packages you can do this with GoDaddy. The company has something called a reseller program and a Super Reseller Hosting program so you can make money not only from selling hosting and services as well as from selling to others who will resell hosting as well. GoDaddy offers over fifty different products you can resell to others. You can sell products directly from your own website or through banners and links.

Creating your own website is fairly simple with GoDaddy. They have products and services for use from very novice users to programs suited for more technical people so you can sell to a broad audience.

Your Own Profitable Website

You can use a website you purchase from GoDaddy to set up your own money making blog, your own online store or affiliate sites and sales pages for products. The possibilities are nearly endless and you can purchase many different products and services from this company to help you grow and support your own home based business.

GoDaddy is one of the lowest cost hosting solutions out there. They are a popular and well known choice and because of that can be a great company for you to capitalize on.

When looking for money making ideas your best bet is to look for companies like this that one who can offer you multiple ways of making money through them. The shorter the time it takes you to learn programs and how to capitalize on a particular niche, the more money you can make and because GoDaddy is a company that works in multiple areas and is so widely publicized you can quickly learn enough to hit the ground running in your money making efforts.

Understanding the Advantages and Disadvantages of Shared Web Hosting

I get asked quite often why someone would choose shared hosting over having their own VPS (Virtual Private Server) or Dedicated Server, and I almost always respond the same way...

What do you think you need? And Why? And I almost always hear the same type of answers.

We expect to have a lot of visitors, we will be sending all our customers to it, we need the space for all the information on our products, we don't want to have our business on the same server as a bunch of other sites, etc.

For some reason, a lot of people and businesses have a negative view of shared hosting. Granted there are a few sites that need dedicated hosting, however the vast majority, about 75%, really only need shared hosting. Usually when I explain the advantages and disadvantages of shared hosting, and then give them my opinion of their needs, most go with shared hosting.

What Are The Advantages of Shared Hosting?

Shared Hosting is Inexpensive (ie: Cost Effective)

Let's face it, a good dedicated server is going to cost you or your business a lot of money, somewhere around $300 per month. Compared with shared hosting averaging around $7 per month, that's a cost savings of $3500 annually.

No Maintenance Costs (ie: Cost Efficient)

With shared hosting there are no maintenance costs because the web hosting provider performs all maintenance and upgrades on their servers at no cost to the end consumer, in other words, at no cost to you. They absorb the costs of maintenance and upgrades as a part of doing business.

Fast Setup

When you order shared hosting from a reputable web hosting provider, your shared hosting account is usually setup with hours, and sometimes minutes. Whereas if you order a dedicated server, you may have to wait 24 to 72 hours before your server is ready and online.

Great For Small Or New Sites

Shared web hosting is great for sites that are small, new, or not resource intensive since by definition, shared hosting is "shared". What this means is that multiple sites are all on the same server sharing those servers resources. This is just fine for about 80% of all websites, and usually is not a problem. When a site really starts getting busy or need more resources is when you should consider upgrading to either a VPS or dedicated server solution.

What Are The Disadvantages of Shared Hosting?

Limited Resources

As stated above, with shared hosting, multiple sites are sharing the same resources on the server, with the possibility of bottlenecks in the information flow when multiple sites are being resource intensive. Although bottlenecks like this are uncommon, they do happen from time to time. Good web hosts monitor their servers consistently for such bottlenecks and balance their servers to maintain even flow.

Not Good For Resource Intensive Sites

If you are going to be running a large forum or e-commerce site that requires a lot of database interaction, then shared hosting may not be the right thing for you because of the limit on resource usage. It all depends on what your sites needs are. If you know going into it that your site is going to be resource intensive, then you should go with a VPS or dedicated server.

Dynamic IP

While Dedicated IPs are available in shared hosting, usually for an additional monthly fee, the vast majority of shared hosting is done using dynamic IPs. In other words, all the sites which are hosted on a shared server use the same IP address. If you know you will be needing a dedicated IP for SSL or some other reason, then you can easily add on a Dedicated IP address to your shared hosting. But know that it will require an additional cost.


While some people would consider this a disadvantage of shared hosting, it can also be an advantage depending on your point of view. Security in the online world is an ever-changing environment which requires constant monitoring and updating of software to stay one step ahead of those people who enjoy hacking sites. With shared hosting, the hosting provider will take care of locking down their server to the best of their ability.

Unfortunately since there are many different sites on one server, all it takes is one script on someone else's website to potentially cause problems for every site on the server. It's up to you to ensure your website scripts are kept up-to-date and backed up to a safe place.

3 Things You Must Know About Cheap Blog Hosting

People often say that you get what you pay for, but is it true about cheap blog hosting? Not all hosts are created equal, so you need to be able to decide if the deal on offer is a good one or not. Here are three things you MUST know about cheap blog hosting.

1. Will I Have Enough Resources To Host My Blog? 

A blog is usually run by scripts, and those scripts will take up disk space. Using Wordpress for example (which is perhaps the best overall choice for a blogging platform), starts at around 5Mb. Once you add a few plug ins to make the blog do what you want, then you are probably looking at another 5mb of disk space.

If you plan to run video on blog as well, then you could be looking at higher bandwidth as well, so in short, you need a reasonable amount of resources just to get started. This pretty much eliminates the free hosts, but most good hosts would cover you easily.

2. Will I have Enough Features To Host My Blog? 

Again because blogs are usually scripts, your host needs to allow you to execute scripts from your blog. This is not as scary as it sounds because the top blogging platforms such as Wordpress can be automatically installed using Cpanel and something called Fantastico, which makes installation child's play. As long as Fantastico is available and you are able to run PHP scripts, then you have the features to host your blog.

3. Will I Get Help If I Run Into Trouble When I Host My Blog? 

Here is a biggy. Will your host help you if you get into trouble? Despite how much easier these things have been made, many people still come unstuck at some stage of the process. What you need is a web host who will try and go that extra mile for you when things get tough. Not everything is straight forward when you are web hosting, and a good web host understands that and goes of their way to help you. If the support from your cheap blog hosting is poor, then it is too cheap, and you should be looking elsewhere.

So there we have it. If you cover these three bases with your web host, then you can truly say that you have found cheap blog hosting that is good value for money. Good luck with your blogging!

Differences Between Windows and Linux Hosting

When choosing a web host there are a number of things that must be taken into consideration. These vary from the price we are willing to pay to the software and hardware characteristics of the server. A rule of thumb when picking a host is that a cheap does not mean necessarily good. In fact, in the web hosting world, generally "you get what you pay for". So don't be fooled by the first host that gives you unlimited resources for a very low price. Most probably they will give you a bad service and lots of downtime.

Another important decision to be made when looking for a web host is choosing windows or linux hosting. There is no special rule, you generally choose what best suits your needs. I am going to outline the basic differences between linux and windows hosting.

The first difference (and probably most important) is the support for the various programming languages. In Linux you have a vast choice, ranging from basic CGI / script support to high level programming languages like Perl, Php, Ruby etc. This is a major plus for the programmers and technical users. In Windows you get the Microsoft powered languages like .Net, Asp etc.

The second difference is how you access the host. While both offer ftp access , Linux has more advanced features for you like ssh, telnet, VNC and many others. As you can see it's focused more toward to more technical users. With Linux you get more power but less user friendly interfaces.

The last difference I'm going to discuss is security and performance. It's known that linux hosting is much secure than windows , and even when exploits are found they are fixed generally in less than 24 hours. Also, it's true that Linux servers tend to manage better the hardware on which it runs. So if security and performance is important to you Linux is the way to go.

Web Hosting Considerations For Beginners - Windows Or Linux

The most common form of web hosting taken up by most newcomers to the web is know as shared hosting. This entails buying space on one of the web servers of the web hosting firm, where each web server may contain several other websites from other account holders.

The two most popular operating system software setups used on shared hosting web servers are the linux/apache and Windows 2003/IIS6 setups. There are several other software packages installed on each web server, but the operating system and the web server software are the most critical. The choice between these two setups usually always defines what software can be installed on the web servers hardware, and what you, the website developer, can utilize in developing your site.

Linux , an open source operating system, together with Apache an open source web server software package, are generally considered to be part of what is termed the LAMP systems. The other components are MySQL and Php. These software packages are generally available free of charge for personal or business use.The companies that supply these products offer extra value addons for which they charge. The majority of commercially available website software packages have been developed on and for LAMP systems. These systems are immensely stable and have been debugged extensively by the programming community that supports them. There is an enormous amount of recorded information available for you to search for, lots of people to ask questions if you need to. Forums are useful places to get both free and chargeable support. If you select a web server based on Linux/apache, you will have all these resources available to you and be able to develop your site along these lines for as long as you keep the site on a LAMP system. However, you will not be able to use most of the Microsoft based technologies.

Windows 2003 server together with IIS6 forms the Microsoft windows web hosting environment. This is now embedded in the Microsoft .net platform. Microsoft needs no introduction as the dominant desktop PC software supplier for going on 2 decades. Microsoft .net which now underpins Microsoft web technology ,is a proprietary Microsoft Technology. The technology is embedded in all Microsoft operating systems from windows 2000 upwards, plus Microsoft office, Microsoft developer tools and some other Products beyond the scope of this article. In fact, It will probably be embedded in any product produced with Microsoft technology.

The windows web server environment is extremely popular with programmers and web developers who developed their skills on Microsoft technologies such as Visual basic , possibly the most popular programming language in the world, Visual C , C++, C#. There are significantly fewer commercial web packages available for Microsoft .net web servers. This maybe due to the fact that LAMP servers dominate the internet, plus the cost of operating .net web software.

However, the .net platform is enormously capable and comes with many rapid development features built in . Many corporates develop their sites using these technologies and get remarkable results, very quickly. Microsoft provides what may be the world largest knowledge archive to support its product and access is easy , well though out and quick. Plus these are lots of online and off line experts willing and able to provide paid and free support to the novice or experienced web developer.

Both of these options are valid choices, and the choice made by the novice web developer must be determined by personal circumstance. I use both systems and can only say that when configured properly, both can be a joy to work with.

Due to the availability of free or commercial scripts, the none technical novice who simply wants to publish online will probably start of with the Linux/apache setup.

For the programmer who has ideas to develop, a .net server is the straight forward choice. Whichever you chose, have fun!

Dedicated Server Hosting is Good For Your Business

Business Web Hosting:

Cheap hosting plans are not always the best choice for business web hosting. Decision on web hosting provider is important if you want to get the best performance and options that will allow you future grow and business expending by taking advantage of numerous features such as web marketing tools and ability to obtain advice and information service provider partner sites.

Advantages in choosing a good plan

The webmaster or webmasters to create a company web hosting services should be first-class professionals with years of experience of dealing with different challenges and electronic commerce, should be able to give concrete answers to different questions. We must also act with restraint and not jump to the cheap web hosting accounts which may seem cheap, but the first would require payment of additional, and therefore adds to the cost side by having to update the rates, later.

Another important aspect should be considered before arriving at the solution business web hosting provider is the kind of connectivity it offers. The backbone of the Internet should not be only a single link, but must include an intersection of multiple Internet backbone, which should ensure high speed connection, reliability and constant connectivity.

A good business web hosting service provides features like hundreds of professionally designed templates, unlimited follow-up of popular ads being clicked on the website, as well as provide a forum where supply and assist in the exchange information, as well as being able to offer and also have access to the exact answer and contacts that are required daily.

There are three options available for hosting and this is shared hosting, Windows or Linux shared hosting and dedicated servers. The most widely used type of web hosting is shared hosting with unlimited number of websites are hosted on one server. Moreover, Linux-based servers to satisfy users who do not use more than HTML pages, and that the work to be a bit cheaper. However, for those who need to use programming language called Active Server Pages (ASP) or the need to connect to a database can be considered a Windows server. Finally, dedicated servers are for users who want or need full control of your server and are willing to pay more for the features of your web hosting service business.

To see what internet users are thinking about several hosting packages you are welcome to Web hosting rating system that allows internet users and site owners to share their opinion on web hosting services, and rate the services according their quality

All About Green Web Hosting

We all want to do our part to help the environment. Businesses of all kinds and sizes can play a really active role in reducing waste and energy consumption. How? Recycling, purchasing supplies made from recycled materials, telecommuting options, using alternative energy sources and, of course, choosing green web hosting services.

What are green web hosting services? There are a few varieties, but for this discussion we will focus on the groups that use eco-friendly sources for electrical power. Servers are delicate creatures and require everything from stable and cooled environments to massive amounts of electricity. This all adds up to a lot of energy consumption and the green web hosting services work to ensure that they reduce or totally eliminate their reliance on anything but renewable resources. 
For example, if a provider is unable to supply their own electrical service through wind, solar, biogas or geothermal equipment they can opt to buy Renewable Energy Certificates. This means that the power they are using is supplied from a company that uses only natural and renewable methods of generating electricity for public consumption. 
Of course there are those green web hosting companies that actually create all of their own electricity. These groups will also employ solar panels, wind turbines and other mass energy production techniques to keep their equipment performing at optimal, reliable and impact free levels. 
In addition to having no impact on the planet, many of these web hosting companies also make carbon offsetting a possibility as well. This allows other companies who want to mitigate their own greenhouse gas emissions to purchase offsets and thereby underwrite emission reducing projects like the green web host's wind farm or solar equipment. 
The green web hosting providers might also extend special discounts to non-profit agencies and organizations or to companies who offer telecommuting to their staff or employees. They also may provide totally free software; use offices powered entirely by renewable energies and may be completely paperless. 
Do they cost more? That is something that requires a little thought to answer. While they may not save loads of money, and run at the same price as many other competitors, it is crucial to remember how a single paperless company can reduce energy and materials wasted by the hundreds of tons. Imagine the positive and beneficial global effects of hundreds of companies participating in the green initiative simply by signing up with a green web hosting service!

Web Domain Hosting - When Not to Buy

Make no mistake, choosing the right website domain host is one of the most important decisions that online businesses will have to make. With a popular or well known and reliable Internet Service Provider (ISP) you won't face many problems, however if you choose the wrong online partner, it can prove to be expensive to both your pocket and your businesses reputation as a whole.

When it comes to choosing a new host, I use a couple of simple techniques that often sort the wheat from the chaff. Once I find a good host, I usually stick with them. I would also advise you do the same. As a good host can be hard to find...

What I shall aim to do here is to demonstrate to you firstly, how to spot signs of good practise and secondly, how to avoid hosts that may not meet with your desired requirements.

The first technique I apply is one of the most tried and tested, the old contact test. This splits up into two tests. 

  1. Test One. I will try and contact the host via the telephone. Simple you say, not really, for I will not be calling the sales line, I shall be calling (or selecting the option on larger company telephone exchanges) that will put me through to support...then lets see how long it takes to get where I want to.
  2. Test Two. I will submit an email to at least 3 hosts. Timing the responses to all of them.

These tests will demonstrate quite simply, which company offers the best first line of contact. This can be a crucial element when you have an issue or are in need of urgent support.

And my other technique is much the internet for the company name. You would be surprised how many people make comments when things go wrong. But be objective, when you stumble across a forum where one chap has had a bad experience, try and temper this with objectivity. Did this issue get resolved, how long did it take, is is a common fault or a one off. By doing this you will get a balanced view.

Now, about those elements that should tell you when not to buy. I observe some strict criteria when choosing a web host and if any (or all) of them hit any of my below points, I will cross them off my list and start again.

The list I use is as follows and of course you can add or remove elements that do not meet your needs 

  1. Responses to my email contact too longer than 24 working hours
  2. The telephone call DID NOT clear up all my concerns clearly
  3. I cannot find any references online of companies who use them
  4. I did find many negative comments on forums that had a common fault theme
  5. The pricing structure is now clear nor flexible
  6. I do not have FTP access
  7. I do not have access to a control panel
  8. I cannot add my own email addresses
  9. I have to contact the host providers to make all changes to my site
  10. There is no Out of hours support infrastructure

Whilst most of my opinions are based on fact WITHOUT an affiliated interest, I do have my own personal favourite, but I am not going to spoil the fun you can have by researching...

Benefits of Web Hosting With cPanel

For those not in the know, this article will first explain what cPanel is exactly and how it applies to you in the wonderful world of web hosting. What it is actually is a web hosting panel that controls the applications within the website itself, and the programme is actually based on Linux code with a graphical interface. It is a lot like Dreamweaver in a sense of the control issues and the layout, but the functions are pretty different. There is no code for you to wrap your head around, all you need to do to work with cPanel is the use of mouse gestures and normal point n click routines. What this does is give the end user, or administrator, the simple tools needed to host a web site as well as build it by installing applications onto its structure.

What is does is it utilises something called a tier 3 structure, which allows everyone from admins, resellers, and even the user of the website to have some sort of control over the web host, but of course this is limited to the type of identity you have. An administrator would of course have function over all of cPanel and the website itself, while the end user might be able to do some limited things with it. You can access the panel through a web browser and by logging on to a web address.

The great thing about the cPanel is that apart from its graphical interface, it also has a command line and API function, which in geek speak, allows third party vendors and anyone with any knowledge of its code to add in automated functions and even their own processes - as long as they have permission from the admin. It has always been designed from the get go to be a standalone and dedicated server, also a virtual serve r and can support a multitude of operating systems. Another great thing about the cPanel is that it comes with a on board Web Hosting Manager, which allows anyone to access the web host and make changes easily. Many people are using this cPanel to interface with their web hosting business and the popularity is growing.

This is mainly down to the fact that it has a GUI or graphical interface, which means that you do not need to have a degree in rocket science just to be able to use it. When it first came out, it was quite buggy and had many compatibility issues, but the evolution of the product saw it becoming one of the most popular products out there. You will find it offered on plenty of web hosting solutions all over the internet and would come stock standard within the package offered to you. Another great thing about this technology is the automatic upgrade function, which allows your product to be upgraded every time there is a release. You do not need to do anything, it downloads the updates on its own.

Vodien Internet Solutions provides all-in-one web hosting packages. Find out more details about their Singapore web hosting packages at their website.

Finding the Top Web Hosting Companies

Businesses who haves websites and online transactions needs to have excellent hosting services from top web hosting companies. Of course this is necessary because who would not want to have their websites available to the public all the time? 24 hours a day, seven days a week? In order to do this, your online business should be hosted by a server that is managed by a dependable hosting company. Now the only problem is how to find and identify the best web hosting company that can meet the requirements of your website. Among the effective ways in getting the best hosting plan is through reading web hosting reviews.

Reviews are widely spread therefore can be easily find on the internet. Normally, reviews are accompanied with testimonials from users as well. However, majority of the customer testimonials are found on the web hosting company websites. These testimonials are often written by people who have past experience on the web hosting service. These may be satisfied or dissatisfied feedbacks. Testimonials are often short and brief. Reviews on the other hand are more detailed and comprehensive. It provides more information to help you get to know more about a certain web hosting provider.

Finding the top web hosting companies can be difficult especially if you are not well-versed with web hosting. You need to make sure the amount of disk space and bandwidth that a hosting company provides through their packages. A normal web hosting package comprises the domain name, web disk space, e-mail accounts, template building tools, and many more. Assess a package carefully in order to identify whether their services suites the needs of your website. You should also identify the amount to pay for each package because considering your budget is very important.

Furthermore, the final decision on what web hosting service to acquire for your website does not rely on the prices alone. It is not practical to be tempted and just jump in to a service just because they are cheap. Getting the cheapest package alone does not necessarily mean that it is the best choice. It doesn't even guarantee you with excellent savings in the future. Though there top notch companies that offers quality services, keep in mind that there are also those that are not worthy of the consideration. So as to avoid from committing the wrong choice, make sure to perform a thorough review of the plans and packages of each hosting company.

A reliable web host is those who can attend to your needs immediately, especially for web sites who do online transactions. You cannot afford to put your site on hold for longer periods due to some technical emergencies. Top hosting companies usually have on call customer service representatives or tools. They are supposed to answer your queries and requests as soon as possible. Top web hosting companies also provides flexibility; it means that you have the option to update your website easily on your own as there as instances that you find it necessary.

Stacey Zimmerman is the author of many health, fitness, business and marketing related articles, and runs numerous websites on nutrition, fitness, marketing, business and many other subjects. Check out his site on where to buy hgh online. Also if you are looking for a good web host please visit his top web hosting companies review site.

The Benefits of a Shared Web Hosting Plan

If you are in the market for a hosting company and have decided to go with a shared web hosting plan, you are certainly not alone. Millions of people and businesses choose to have their websites hosted by a shared server. For one thing, you will find it the most affordable option in terms of price. Also, if you are not technically inclined, having a shared web hosting plan can spare you a lot of the hassle of maintenance and upkeep. A good hosting company will provide you with the expertise that you need to keep your website up and running so you can get on with producing content, or marketing your online business or writing for your blog, whatever your website is all about. A shared plan frees up your time so you can concentrate on the core business at hand, not maintaining servers and checking for functionality.

Shared hosting plans are so popular mainly because they are so affordable. You can find plans that fall under $20, which is really affordable in terms of getting a website hosted on the Internet. It is the least expensive option for hosting that is available because you are sharing a server with other people's websites. What's good about shared hosting plans isif your website does not require a lot of space and bandwidth, this is the best route to go in terms of affordability.

Another advantage to having a shared web hosting plan is that the maintenance and upkeep of the server is handled by the host company. You do not have to have any prior knowledge of server maintenance to get a shared web hosting plan up and running. The company takes care of all the server maintenance and sets up your website with the features and options you selected when you chose your plan.

These plans are usually flexible and allow you to expand your capabilities once your website grows. Hosting companies usually make it easy for you to upgrade your plan if you need more storage space or bandwidth as your online business takes off and you get more traffic to your website. You also have access to the web host's technical expertise so if there are any issues, the host will fix them. You don't have to worry about not having special technical expertise. The web host will provide all the technical support you need to keep your website up and running.

Fundamentals of a Good Web Host

Finding a web host is easy, but finding a good one is hard. Really, all you need to do to find one is to Google the words 'web host' and you will be overcome by thousands of hits, from hundreds of different companies who will be offering you their brand of the best web hosting solution out there. What you need to understand is that anyone can offer you this service, but only a select few can have the services and the resources to give you a good web hosting service.

What this article is going to do is to just list down some of the features that you might want to look out for when talking about web hosts that will be able to support your needs and then some. These are just some general guidelines and some of the basics that these hosts must live up to. Depending on the nature of why you need a web host, you might want to look at other more advanced features. One of the things you need to look out for is the digital disk space that will be allotted to you when you sign up with their service. The thing is, one of the main problems that people encounter when getting a good web host is that they do not get enough disk space.

Make sure that you get more than you need when you are signing up with a host, because the whole point of getting a website is to be able to expand at a later date. One of the more common sizes to look out for is above 100 megs, and some may consider in excess of 500 megs depending on the type of website and the sort of volume that you may be expecting. Another thing you need to look out for is the type of bandwidth and the sort of network technology that they are using. 56K is not going to cut it, but you get the idea. Normally a server would at least run something like a T1 or faster connection on multiple ports to support domain names.

You also need to know what kind of bandwidth you might be expecting to utilise, and then sign up for a plan that offers you this. Also, try and avoid using a shared web hosting solution if you need something that is always fast and always efficient - and this means you might want to find yourself a dedicated web hosting solution for you. This will ensure that your website speed and reliability is top notch, and this is really important when handling an online business. Also, getting a mail server with multiple accounts as well as normal security and ecommerce solutions are stock standard services that you should be getting along with your web host, so these are things you should not be missing out. So, these are some of the things you need to know about web hosting, and what makes a good web host.

Practical Tips When Selecting the Best Web Hosting Services

Selecting the best web hosting services for your web site is a crucial step for achieving an effective website development and online business. Hence, here are practical tips to help you find the best one:

1. Make sure that a certain web hosting service provides total server up time guarantee. At any point this is very important. Of course you wouldn't want to compromise you're business. So forget that web hosting companies that do not give you the guarantee that your site will be up and running 99.9% of the time. If they are not definite in giving you assurance then there is a larger possibility that your site could be down and cannot be viewed by the public. And this is definitely not good for any business.

2. The best web site hosting services provides unlimited bandwidth. I think this is unquestionable. Who wouldn't want a limitless bandwidth? This will save you from worrying in case you're starting to have plenty of page views. You can also put large files on your site. Other than that, your visitor will have the luxury of opening as many pages as they want. If you're site provides free downloads to your users, then the unlimited bandwidth would be again very much advantageous because you don't have to pay additional fees as well.

3. Unlimited Disk Space. Keep your pace in the competition. Having less content to your page puts you to the end of the line. One way to compete over search engine rankings is to put a lot of contents to your page. The internet nowadays is content driven. Put a lot of blog posts, articles, videos, and many more eye catching media. So have a web hosting service that offers unlimited disk space.

4. Customer Service Support is another must have when talking about the best web hosting service. One of the worst things that may happen is not being able to contact a customer service in cases of problems and left with no other choice but to send an email and just pray for an immediate reply. The best web hosting services are those that have live chat support available in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This will provide you immediate help and support when problems occur by just talking to a tech. This will also have the high probability of fixing any problem right there and then.

5. The best web hosting services has unlimited domain hosting for just one low price. Your business may start with only one web site. But eventually, when your site becomes successful, you are then sure to build a new one. In this case, you need to plan ahead. Conceptualize that sooner or later you'll need to put up new websites. So select a hosting provider that allows you to host multiple domains on single services without additional fee. There are already lots of web host that have these services out there.

The basic "must have" for the best web hosting services are those mentioned above. So learning these things will guide you but still the decision is now in your hands. So be wise and choose only the best.

Choosing a Good Web Hosting Company

When looking at the internet, you realise that there are literally thousands of web hosting companies out there for you to choose from and this number is increasing on a daily basis. This means that there is an overload of information and companies for you to choose from, so when you do decide to pick a web hosting company, there are certain things you need to look out for. You need to make the decisions that are right for the very business of why you need a website in the first place, and this would normally mean that you have some sort of commercial interest online.

One of the things that will set a good web hosting company apart from its competitors is the fact that it ensures it has a good system of resource distribution. Once you feel that you are being marginalised or left out as a customer, then there is something wrong with the web hosting company, and most of the time, this is because they are way to stretched to offer you the kind of attention that you need. First and foremost, all of the smaller and newer web hosting companies out there will try and take as many clients as they can in an attempt to stretch their profits and this is not a good thing because they normally do not have the sort of resources necessary to pull this off.

What you will get is something of a slow, clogged up system with constant errors and overloads, and you can spot these web hosts a mile away simply by looking at their costs and their promise of 1001 things they can do for you. When you are running a business, you need things to be reliable and transactions through tricky and slow websites. Another thing you need to look out for is security, and this is really one of the more important things when looking at commercial transactions. One of the things about putting your credit card numbers online is that customers will always look out for security certificates and the good old SSL feature. They may come in other ways like VeriSign or Secure DSSL, but these are some of the names that you need to ensure you have as part of your package. Commercial programmes and third party applications that add more layer of securities will allow you to build trust with your customers.

The last thing you need to be looking out for is technical support, and you need to ensure that the web hosting company that you are dealing with gives you plenty of technical and customer support. There is nothing more frustrating when you have problems with your domain and you need to wait for an email reply to get things moving. You need to have instant contact with a customer support officer or some sort of technical contact point where you can sort out the problems you may or may not be having.

GoDaddy Money Making Opportunities

How can you make money online from You can make money from the GoDaddy company with a few methods including:

- Domain parking and domain sales transactions

- GoDaddy reseller and super reseller accounts and affiliate marketing

- Creating your own websites through to sell your own product or service or do affiliate marketing

- Selling information about GoDaddy including coupons or vouchers and then selling other related services to the same people.

Because GoDaddy is such a big company, they’re practically a household name. There are many ways to capitalize on this company to earn money yourself. You can make direct money by using them in several ways. Let us explore some of GoDaddy’s online money making programs with a closer look:


You can do domain selling through as well as domain parking. Domain selling enables you to sell your domains and or websites. Some profitable niches might fetch a great profit. This is commonly known as website flipping or domain auctions and GoDaddy has a marketplace for this.

Domains parking lets you earn commission from websites that are parked. This can be achieved two ways.

First, the domain name is something people will stumble upon often because it’s a common word or closely related to another website. The parked website has advertisements placed on it and you earn a commission based on that.

Second, you do the parking because you are working on your website. While you wait to create the site you do domain parking so you can earn in the meantime.

Reseller Accounts and Affiliate Programs

Another way of making money online is to sell hosting packages you can do this with GoDaddy. The company has something called a reseller program and a Super Reseller Hosting program so you can make money not only from selling hosting and services as well as from selling to others who will resell hosting as well. GoDaddy offers over fifty different products you can resell to others. You can sell products directly from your own website or through banners and links.

Creating your own website is fairly simple with GoDaddy. They have products and services for use from very novice users to programs suited for more technical people so you can sell to a broad audience.

Your Own Profitable Website

You can use a website you purchase from GoDaddy to set up your own money making blog, your own online store or affiliate sites and sales pages for products. The possibilities are nearly endless and you can purchase many different products and services from this company to help you grow and support your own home based business.

GoDaddy is one of the lowest cost hosting solutions out there. They are a popular and well known choice and because of that can be a great company for you to capitalize on.

When looking for money making ideas your best bet is to look for companies like this that one who can offer you multiple ways of making money through them. The shorter the time it takes you to learn programs and how to capitalize on a particular niche, the more money you can make and because GoDaddy is a company that works in multiple areas and is so widely publicized you can quickly learn enough to hit the ground running in your money making efforts.

Cheap Web Hosting With Godaddy

Often times those seeking to create their own webpage with a unique domain name encounter a little difficulty when identifying a web hosting provider suitable for them. Many providers charge a hefty price for domain names and the services they provide, which are frequently inadequate. However there are numerous web hosting service providers who offer a great variety of benefits at affordable rates. One such provider that presents superior cheap rates is GoDaddy. Simply visiting just once will enable you to view the many services and advantages of hosting with GoDaddy and also browse through an abundance of available packages and domain names.

Being one of the world's largest and most popular hosts, one would expect GoDaddy to present quite an extensive array of services and options as is the case. With every single package offered by GoDaddy you get the promise of continuous monitoring, maintenance and security that has essentially made GoDaddy such a reputable and sought after provider. The world-class data center allows this provider to constantly watch over your webpage and the constant presence of a top-notch firewall serves to make your website extraordinarily secure. Along with the benefit of cheap rates and the aforementioned advantages of hosting with GoDaddy, users can also receive custom support, thus you can truly receive a remarkably accommodating service with GoDaddy.

There are a fair number of providers offering very quick setup free of charge but none like GoDaddy. Their free rapid account setup is virtually unmatched. Browsing the website one will also notice the ease with which one can find a suitable package for them and also contact GoDaddy if necessary. Finding information about building your website and web hosting in general is also quite easy on the GoDaddy webpage. What's more sections of the website actually explain how to go about performing specific tasks that you may need to carry out when building your site.

Email Domain Hosting

n this day and age, it has been a necessity for almost all online businesses to have their own business email address and be able to host it on a domain name of their own. The development of email has resulted in immediate ways to send and receive messages with the aid of the Internet. And so, some people might be wondering how email domain hosting partakes in the utmost achievement of a certain company’s marketing success. Well, the answer is very simple. Just take, for instance, all the hassles that you might experience in communicating with your overseas clients if emails did not exist.

Considering this situation, the importance of being able to get your hands on your own domain name is indeed one of the salient points you need to brood over when you want to build a new website that gets noticed. This is where email domain hosting enters the picture. In essence, email domain hosting is a hosting plan that gives emphasis to the importance of a domain name for a certain business.

As its fundamental meaning implies, “domain” pertains to the so-called URL or website address. It is likened to a map, for it directs the computers where to trace your site. This brings to light the accessibility that awaits every customer once they come to know your domain name. Generally speaking, all the emails are created to be transmitted to the principal user account for a certain domain name.

On the whole, a variety of email domain hosting packages can be accessed in today’s market. They only differ with each other in terms of specific features. Many companies have email services to fit in to the hosting plan needed. It is now dependent upon your preference as to which one you would go for.

Use Multiple Domain Hosting And Reduce Your Hosting Costs

If you are the owner of several websites then multiple domain hosting could help you significantly reduce your hosting costs. 
Multiple domain hosting allows you to host more than one website on a single hosting account.Allowing you to have many websites while only paying for one.

Generally you don't purchase a website you purchase a hosting account. In some cases this hosting account can only be used to host a single domain and hence a single website. In others the account can be used to host multiple domains and hence multiple websites.

There are of course both advantages and disadvantages of hosting several domains on a single hosting account.

The main advantage is, of course, the cost. Because domains are much cheaper than website hosting accounts choosing an account that offer multiple domain hosting is a far cheaper way of hosting multiple websites than purchasing a hosting account for each website.

As an example: Take a hosting provider that offers a simple hosting package for approx £70 per year and uk domains for approx £2.00 per year.To host four websites using:

a) Separate accounts the cost is: £70 *4 + 4*2= £288 per year

b) A single account and multiple domains the cost is: £70 + £2.0 *4=£78 per year.

The saving is £210 per year.

The disadvantages are that traffic for each site is usually counted together against the single hosting account and if your websites are popular then you may exceed bandwidth and or disk space limits.

In addition you may find that the log files that are provided don't allow you to differentiate between the domains as all the traffic is counted against a single domain.

The Hosting account has a single password and hence once logged in you can administer each domain. Therefore each domain should belong to you.

So who needs multiple domain hosting? Well anyone who requires multiple websites with their own distinct domain name should consider this type of hosting account.

If you only intend to host a single domain or website then you shouldn't discard the idea; as in many cases they are usually no more expensive than single domain hosting solutions.

Because of the popularity of mini websites and website reselling there are many hosting companies that specialize in providing multiple domain hosting and offer substantial discounts depending on the number of domains you intend to host.

Multiple domain hosting has the potential to significantly reduce your hosting costs, but as is the case for choosing any hosting provider, you should be aware of what other website services you require and choose your hosting provider accordingly.

Don't just go for the cheapest or the one that provides the most services!

Virtual Domain Hosting

If you are new to web hosting, you might be encountering words or technical terms whose definitions are strange to you. Among them could be the words “domain,” “domain name,” “web host,” “virtual host,” “web hosting” and “server.” First and foremost, you should understand that creating a website does not end with producing a well-made site design and coming up with a name for it. You have to register its “domain name,” and find a reliable “web host,” that could provide a secure “server” for your website.

In order for your website to be accessible by others via the Internet, you need to use a server. This is a huge computer or hardware that stores all the information contained in your website. The server has an IP address (a series of decimals) that is represented by an easy to recognize name, called a domain name. This is part of the website URL you place in the address bar and is used to identify your website’s location on the Internet.

A virtual domain is a domain hosted by a server that concurrently hosts other virtual domains. In contrast to a domain on a dedicated server, virtual domain shares with other web sites its access to the features of the single server that hosts all of them; thus, virtual domain hosting is also called as shared domain hosting.

The ways that a domain on a dedicated server and a domain on a virtual server are hosted are almost the same. The biggest difference between the two is that the first exclusively makes use of all the resources in its server, while the second has to share them.

If you own a medium-sized website, virtual hosting is the most affordable and most efficient web hosting solution you can avail of, since you own only a small part of the web server, while your site is given its own identity as if it had an exclusive server. A 5GB server space can cost you about $15 per month, while you can enjoy a 3GB disk space for only $3 to $4.

Virtual Hosting provides detailed information on Virtual Hosting, Virtual Web Hosting, Virtual Domain Hosting, Secure Virtual Hosting and more. Virtual Hosting is affiliated with Shared Hosting Plans.

How to Save Money on Domain Hosting and Website Cost

In many instances, when people think about having an affordable custom website designed, they forget about the cost of domain registrations, and of monthly hosting charges, but, unlike web design, which is a one time investment, domain registrations are annual, and hosting costs are monthly, so shopping around is important!

Here are a few key points to remember when looking for web hosting for your affordable business website: 

• Different domain name extensions, for example .com, .net, .biz and others are priced at different rates. 
• This means that not only might you be able to get your chosen name, albeit with a slightly different extension, but by opting for anything other than a .com, you might pay less for it too. Even though you may save a couple of dollars by choosing a less common extension, most people remember .com. 
• Most large web domain registrars and hosting companies offer package deals from time to time, that include a small amount of hosting space, and perhaps a single pop3 email account. 
• While these types of packages may be a good idea for a very small starter site, if you are planning a site with graphics, photos, tables or other features, chances are you will need to opt for a separate hosting package. 
• Another good idea, particularly if you will be having staff working for you, or plan to, is to sign up for more email addresses, which will help you sort through emails. 
• Speak to the web designer you have chosen for the your affordable custom web design project, and find out how much space they recommend you opt for, based on your website plan, and then you'll need to address bandwidth, which will determine how much traffic your site can handle! There's no point in having a great site, that's well marketed, and receives a lot of traffic, only to find you don't have the bandwidth to support it! 
• Check that the hosting package you choose has an FTP upload portal, which will make uploading your site, an updating it later on, much easier. 
• Shop around for the best packages, and try considering smaller companies as well as larger ones, like, or

Getting a professional, affordable custom website is entirely possible, although, you will need to take all factors into account. High domain registration charges, or monthly hosting costs, can add up, and may even end up costing you more than the web design cost itself!

If you are using a web designer, ask them to include the cost of domain registration and hosting, if they offer it, in your quote, as a separate item. You may find that it is easier, and possibly cheaper, to use their services, but if not, it gives you the option to shop around. 

So remember, when planning an affordable custom website for your business, that design is not the only cost issue you will need to take into account. Make sure you get the best domain registration and web hosting package, that offers adequate space and bandwidth, along with email accounts, if necessary, and save all round!

Daniel Sims is Senior Designer at Caviar Web Design, a website design firm specializing in affordable website and graphic design for small businesses.

Why Multiple Domain Hosting is Recommended?

In the web hosting industry today, getting a website is very easy because the prices of domain names are getting cheaper. Once you choose a particular web provider, they will provide you almost everything making you ready to launch your website in a short time. However, there are companies out there that only allow you to register a single domain. For those who only want to create one website, this won't affect them but for those who aim to have more than one, that company will not be their choice. If you want to have another website, you will have to get multiple hosting accounts and this will definitely cost a lot.

However, in the industry today, solutions to that problem have arisen. Companies now provide you the power to manage everything under one account. With the ability to have multiple domains, you can decide what site you want to create. In other word, you can have one website for your blog, one for your online shop and so on. The best thing is you can relate those sites with your chosen domain names.

With your multiple domain accounts, you also get email addresses, FTP accounts, database, sub-directories attach to each domain. Most companies will provide this and even provide you with control panel application that enables you to set up your domain with ease. All you have to do is access the add-on and fill out the application like filling out a form. With providers like GoDaddy, you are able to purchase multiple domain accounts at an affordable price and then register it with your web host.

How much do you have to pay for it? In today's web hosting market, you can easily get one for less that $10 per month. The question actually lies in what sort of business you are doing and the scale of your business. With that price, you can get enough features to support you in creating your ideal website. However, you must still find a hosting company (personally I recommend Bluehost) that provides reliability in its service.

In conclusion, having multiple domain names is a very good way to expand you business. It also increases your chances to make profit in your business with more exposure that you get by having more than one website. You get to save money and increase your profit at the same time. That is killing two birds with one stone.

Reseller Domain Hosting - Finding the Right Company

It is not hard to find reseller web hosting services nowadays but the problem is finding a reliable reseller web page hosting that can save you from hassles. Many people have not found a solution since they do not have the time to try every reseller domain hosting. Many people choose a web site hosting company because they spend money on advertising. This gives good exposure but sometimes their service lacks.


There are some things that can make you realize that you have the right web site hosting.

MySQL, Python, PHP, CGI, Cron, and Perl. These are all technical terms that should be included. Many do not know what they mean but they are good to have.

Disk space – The disk space is the amount of information you will be able to save in your hosting account. It is recommended to obtain around 5 GB in order to have enough space that you need. If you do not need a lot of space you can look for a smaller company in your reseller domain hosting needs. There are drawbacks to smaller companies as well such as technology issues and the possibility that the company will not be around long.

Correct Web statistics – These statistics can show such things as how much traffic you are getting, what other sites are linked to yours, and other relevant information that you will want to know.

The Price – Generally you will be paying a monthly fee for a reseller domain hosting services. By finding the right price for you for a service that will give you good service as well as a reasonable rate it will save you money and hassles in the future. There are also various sites that have trials, which you can try them out to see if they will be good for you. If taking a trial ask pertinent questions for situations that may arise that you will need help with from your reseller domain hosting.

The research in finding the right reseller domain hosting may take time but it is well worth it finding the right one. The hosting should fill the needs outlined above. By researching you will find the one that fits you best and you, more than likely, will be satisfied with your reseller domain hosting.

How to Save Money on Domain Hosting and Website Cost

In many instances, when people think about having an affordable custom website designed, they forget about the cost of domain registrations, and of monthly hosting charges, but, unlike web design, which is a one time investment, domain registrations are annual, and hosting costs are monthly, so shopping around is important!

Here are a few key points to remember when looking for web hosting for your affordable business website: 

• Different domain name extensions, for example .com, .net, .biz and others are priced at different rates. 
• This means that not only might you be able to get your chosen name, albeit with a slightly different extension, but by opting for anything other than a .com, you might pay less for it too. Even though you may save a couple of dollars by choosing a less common extension, most people remember .com. 
• Most large web domain registrars and hosting companies offer package deals from time to time, that include a small amount of hosting space, and perhaps a single pop3 email account. 
• While these types of packages may be a good idea for a very small starter site, if you are planning a site with graphics, photos, tables or other features, chances are you will need to opt for a separate hosting package. 
• Another good idea, particularly if you will be having staff working for you, or plan to, is to sign up for more email addresses, which will help you sort through emails. 
• Speak to the web designer you have chosen for the your affordable custom web design project, and find out how much space they recommend you opt for, based on your website plan, and then you'll need to address bandwidth, which will determine how much traffic your site can handle! There's no point in having a great site, that's well marketed, and receives a lot of traffic, only to find you don't have the bandwidth to support it! 
• Check that the hosting package you choose has an FTP upload portal, which will make uploading your site, an updating it later on, much easier. 
• Shop around for the best packages, and try considering smaller companies as well as larger ones, like, or

Getting a professional, affordable custom website is entirely possible, although, you will need to take all factors into account. High domain registration charges, or monthly hosting costs, can add up, and may even end up costing you more than the web design cost itself!

If you are using a web designer, ask them to include the cost of domain registration and hosting, if they offer it, in your quote, as a separate item. You may find that it is easier, and possibly cheaper, to use their services, but if not, it gives you the option to shop around. 

So remember, when planning an affordable custom website for your business, that design is not the only cost issue you will need to take into account. Make sure you get the best domain registration and web hosting package, that offers adequate space and bandwidth, along with email accounts, if necessary, and save all round!

Multiple Domain Hosting - The New Solution to Cut Costs

Multiple domain hosting is the new wave of cost cutting measures by web hosts and web masters these days. This is because of the new rising concerns of many web masters that have a problem cutting costs when dealing with a web host that runs more than a single web site. It is actually quite common to many shared web hosting solutions out there, among other problems experienced by what is considered to be yesterday's solution to hosting many websites.

One of the main alternatives that these webmasters are looking to is multiple domain hosting, and what it is actually using a single account to host multiple websites with their own domain names. This is quite different from the old system where many accounts were being managed by a single web master. When looking at this, the solution of multiple domain hosting is actually quite simple and there are many ways for you to do this. One of the more simpler ways for you to achieve this is to actually redirect all the directories and sub directories of the account into a single domain root. In this method, all you are doing is creating a subdirectory of the root domain, and all new domains will be then set up to actually point to that particular subdirectory.

The uses are the same, all that is being done is some minor name changing. The process is then automated on the end of the user, which means that even if they type in the old domain name, they will be automatically route to the newly created sub domain. While slightly technical in explanation, the process is really quite easy to do and anyone can achieve it. Many web masters are touting this method, especially for those who have more than one networked web site that have similar administrative needs. This means that you will have separate control panels and options for managing these websites, which would be quite tedious.

If you have a website with many domains within the root address, then you might want to consider multiple web hosting as well. There are other methods besides this and one of them is true multi domain hosting, which means that you will get a single domain and subdirectories, but you will receive separate ways to control each of the domains through GUI's and panels. The benefit of this is that there will be plenty of flexibility in customising each and every domain, but of course this is a much more intensive and labour hardy method. The other method that is floating around is called multi domain housing reseller account, a mouthful of a name that allows for you to create customised websites and domains, under a single control panel. It is a really cheap way for you to start up your own web hosting company. So these are some of the alternatives to just plain old domain hosting, and one of them may be the answer to all your problems.

Web Domain Hosting - When Not to Buy

Make no mistake, choosing the right website domain host is one of the most important decisions that online businesses will have to make. With a popular or well known and reliable Internet Service Provider (ISP) you won't face many problems, however if you choose the wrong online partner, it can prove to be expensive to both your pocket and your businesses reputation as a whole.

When it comes to choosing a new host, I use a couple of simple techniques that often sort the wheat from the chaff. Once I find a good host, I usually stick with them. I would also advise you do the same. As a good host can be hard to find...

What I shall aim to do here is to demonstrate to you firstly, how to spot signs of good practise and secondly, how to avoid hosts that may not meet with your desired requirements.

The first technique I apply is one of the most tried and tested, the old contact test. This splits up into two tests. 

  1. Test One. I will try and contact the host via the telephone. Simple you say, not really, for I will not be calling the sales line, I shall be calling (or selecting the option on larger company telephone exchanges) that will put me through to support...then lets see how long it takes to get where I want to.
  2. Test Two. I will submit an email to at least 3 hosts. Timing the responses to all of them.

These tests will demonstrate quite simply, which company offers the best first line of contact. This can be a crucial element when you have an issue or are in need of urgent support.

And my other technique is much the internet for the company name. You would be surprised how many people make comments when things go wrong. But be objective, when you stumble across a forum where one chap has had a bad experience, try and temper this with objectivity. Did this issue get resolved, how long did it take, is is a common fault or a one off. By doing this you will get a balanced view.

Now, about those elements that should tell you when not to buy. I observe some strict criteria when choosing a web host and if any (or all) of them hit any of my below points, I will cross them off my list and start again.

The list I use is as follows and of course you can add or remove elements that do not meet your needs 

  1. Responses to my email contact too longer than 24 working hours
  2. The telephone call DID NOT clear up all my concerns clearly
  3. I cannot find any references online of companies who use them
  4. I did find many negative comments on forums that had a common fault theme
  5. The pricing structure is now clear nor flexible
  6. I do not have FTP access
  7. I do not have access to a control panel
  8. I cannot add my own email addresses
  9. I have to contact the host providers to make all changes to my site
  10. There is no Out of hours support infrastructure

Whilst most of my opinions are based on fact WITHOUT an affiliated interest, I do have my own personal favourite, but I am not going to spoil the fun you can have by researching...